A very unique and wonderful situation is happening wherein the greatest human act of love is shown. The Philippine National Police doctors will attend to the medical treatment and assess the medical situation of one Myra Bautista, a regular member of the New People’s Army regular guerilla force (amazona) that ambushed the elements of 418 Rizal Provincial Police Mobile Group on January 3, 2009 at around 2:55 pm at Sitio Calumpit, Bgy Macabud, Rodriguez, Rizal.
During said incident, members of the Communist Terrorists New People’s Army, using landmines and superior firepower ambushed the group of policemen killing 1 PNP, wounding 2 and abducted 3 others. In this figured treacherous assault, AKA Myra Bautista was wounded by the retaliating policemen, and was later traced at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Sta Mesa Manila. Subject wounded insurgent was transferred today at the PNP General Hospital by the caring Philippine National Police doctors who will be attending to all her medical needs.
Such a generous act is a marvelous manifestation of love from a victim to his adversary. Truly the Peacemakers are the children of God as what the Bible says by obeying the Lord’s command in the Bible (Mt 5:44 “Love your enemies”). May the people pray for these communist insurgents to learn to know the Almighty God and stop their evil atrocities.
A very unique and wonderful situation is happening wherein the greatest human act of love is shown. The Philippine National Police doctors will attend to the medical treatment and assess the medical situation of one Myra Bautista, a regular member of the New People’s Army regular guerilla force (amazona) that ambushed the elements of 418 Rizal Provincial Police Mobile Group on January 3, 2009 at around 2:55 pm at Sitio Calumpit, Bgy Macabud, Rodriguez, Rizal.
During said incident, members of the Communist Terrorists New People’s Army, using landmines and superior firepower ambushed the group of policemen killing 1 PNP, wounding 2 and abducted 3 others. In this figured treacherous assault, AKA Myra Bautista was wounded by the retaliating policemen, and was later traced at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Sta Mesa Manila. Subject wounded insurgent was transferred today at the PNP General Hospital by the caring Philippine National Police doctors who will be attending to all her medical needs.
Such a generous act is a marvelous manifestation of love from a victim to his adversary. Truly the Peacemakers are the children of God as what the Bible says by obeying the Lord’s command in the Bible (Mt 5:44 “Love your enemies”). May the people pray for these communist insurgents to learn to know the Almighty God and stop their evil atrocities.